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Transition to AGI

In 2023, the concept of AGI coming within years was only spoken about in small circles, now the idea is mainstream.

It's coming, how will you adapt?

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Our Services

Technical AI Consulting

We provide in-depth technical consulting to help you navigate the complexities of AI technology. Our tailored solutions address your specific challenges and opportunities, ensuring your AI initiatives are both innovative and effective.

AI Business Models

We assist businesses in developing robust AI-driven business models that enhance profitability. Our approach integrates cutting-edge AI technologies with strategic business insights to create sustainable revenue streams and competitive advantages

AI Public Speaking

Available for conferences, seminars, and corporate events, our speakers share insights on the latest trends and advancements in AI. We deliver engaging and informative presentations that inspire and educate audiences about the transformative power of artificial intelligence.

Want a sneak peak?

Alex Dollery delivers a presentation at Open Source London on formulating an AI strategy capable of adapting to unforeseen future advancements in artificial intelligence.

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